December 31, 2015 9:14 am | by hkyihc | Posted in
由香港冰球訓練學校伙伴香港青年協會舉辦的「全港青少年冰球全接觸計劃III」啟動禮已於12月8日 假九龍灣MegaBox溜冰場成功舉行。
香港冰球訓練學校創辦人及主席胡文新先生、香港冰球訓練學校董事田启文先生、香港冰球訓練學校董事潘嘉華先生、香港冰球訓練學校總經理 (教練) 包比利先生、香港青年協會副總幹事何永昌先生及香港青年協會督導主任余艷芬女士一同主持開幕禮。當晚的焦點活動是別開生面的冰上陸運會,這概念由香港冰球訓練學校教練團隊特別由芬蘭及美國等冰球強國引入,過百位冰球小將分成四組在冰上進行不同的運動,包括冰上羽毛球、冰上手足球、輪胎大戰及小型冰球賽,通過這樣富趣味的比賽從而訓練及提升球員的協調性及平衡感。
香港青年協會副總幹事何永昌先生於啟動禮致辭時表示,香港青年協會與香港冰球訓練學校合辦「全港青少年冰球全接觸計劃」一直希望將冰球運動帶入社區,在過去兩屆,不單止越來越多年輕人參與這項運動,而青協冰球隊更在上一屆香港業餘冰球會的U12 及 U18 聯賽中取得佳績,球員的努力令人感到鼓舞和欣喜。除了冰球全接觸項目,青協今年更獲得賽馬會慈善信託基金支持,展開為期3年的「香港青年協會賽馬會社區體育計劃」,發展5項不同的體育項目(冰球是其中項目之一),在全港不同地區招募過千名青少年參與,參與的青少年,不論年齡,不論參與那一項運動,他們都會接受訓練、參加比賽,同時投入以運動為主題的社會服務,回饋社區、影響社區。
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09 Dec 2015
Organized by the Hong Kong Academy of Ice Hockey (HKAIH), in partnership with the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG), the launching ceremony of the Hong Kong Youth Ice Hockey Campaign III (HKYIHC III) was held on December 8, 2015 (Tuesday) at the skating rink (10/F) at MegaBox shopping mall.
The launching ceremony was officiated by Mr. Thomas Wu, Founder and Chairman of HKAIH, Mr. Calvin Tien, HKAIH Board of Director, Mr. Laputa Poon, HKAIH Board of Director, Mr. Barry Beck, HKAIH General Manager (Coach), Mr. Andy Ho, HKFYG Deputy Executive Director along with Ms. Fanny Yu, HKFYG Supervisor.
A new element was added to the 3rd Hong Kong Youth Ice Hockey Campaign Launching Ceremony this year; through their previous exchange experience in Finland and the USA, the HKAIH coach team introduced the concept of On-ice Carnival at the launching ceremony. Ice Hockey players played different sports such as badminton and hand ball on ice, such fun and innovative training will enhance the players’ coordination and balance which are the essential skills to becoming good ice hockey players.
In his welcome speech, Mr. Thomas Wu thanked the Home Affairs Bureau and Commission on Youth for their 3rd consecutive year of financial support to the program and also thanked the Hong Kong Federation of Youths Group for their partnership in this program. Building on the success of the 2 previous years of this program, the number of players for this year has grown from just having a bit over 60 players in the first year to having 129 players in this year’s program. The mission of this campaign is to bring ice hockey into the local communities so that ice hockey is accessible to all in Hong Kong. With the overwhelming support received from all players and the community, there will be 2 new ice hockey programs starting in 2016 which will benefit even more young players in Hong Kong.
Mr. Andy Ho is happy to see the continued success of the Hong Kong Youth Ice Hockey Campaign from the past two years; the HKFYG ice hockey teams from this program were able to achieve great results in the HKAHC U12 and U18 leagues in the past season, which was a great encouragement to all the players. Aside from the HKYIHC, HKFYG also received support from the HKJC to fund a new community sports program in 2016, which will provide even more opportunities for local youth to participate in different sports and at the same time, affect and give back to the community.